What is changeNow?
changeNow Cryptocurrency exchange platform allows you to swap Cryptocurrencies anonymously. The direct exchange within users is transmitted to ChangeNow. ChangeNow purchase Cryptocurrencies on your behalf. Thus, an unlimited amount of Cryptocurrencies is exchanged anonymously. Only a user needs to do is to pay a fee. The pay is only a fee of 0.5%. Paying ChangeNow is the initial step to trade dozens of
The change now token is Nowtoken. It is the internal currency of ChangeNow. To list new coins and tokens on ChangeNow service ChangeNow token is essential. As the ChangeNow spreads with its growth the demand for ChangeNow token will also rise. ChangeNow intends to move Now taken to the EOS main net as soon as its ready. The first private sale of Nowtoken will be on August 2018. There are only two ways to get Now tokens. The interested parties should participate in ChangeNow Airdrop and Bounty campaigns. Now taken distribution is on every Monday since May 28. Now taken is 0.2 USD.
Why trust ChangeNow?
ChangeNow is fully equipped with highly experienced blockchain developers. The security is crystal clear as there is no requirement for personal information. Thus, identification and financial theft are avoided. With reliable trading platforms, they provide the best rates.
Wallets are used to store Cryptocurrencies. There are different wallets designed to serve different purposes. There are official wallets. For each currency, there is a separate wallet. Each wallet has an address of a unique combination of numbers and letters from 26 to 35 characters. When a user creates a wallet the particular person automatically get an address and a private key. The wallet has a recipient address. After buying a coin it should be sent to a specific wallet. Each coin has its own one. Thus, recipient address helps in transferring coin to a wallet after the exchange.
NOW tokens will be listed on popular trading platforms in August, 2018. The tokens will be on private sale for professional investment funds only. They will never be on crowdsale. so use your chance to get them by joining in the bounty campaign! The rules are here https://changenow.io/bounty
This simple and fast exchanger is integrated into more than 10 Cryptocurrency trading platforms. Its success is already marked with the launch of Bitcoin gold on November 12th, 2017. The first introduction of BTG exchange to the Crypto market suggests the safe, simple service provide by ChangeNow. Its honest service is also confirmed by the transparency of fees. Thus, ChangeNow makes the first step to Crypto revolution.
Find more details from following links
⏩ WEBSITE: https://changenow.io/?utm_source=BountyANN
⏩ WHITEPAPER: https://changenow.io/tokens?utm_source=BountyANN
⏩ WHITEPAPER: https://changenow.io/tokens?utm_source=BountyANN
Author :phatpharm20
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