There are several main factors to consider in life one of which is currency. Currently, digital currency is the concern of the public, this is due to the increasingly development of blockchain technology for all industry sectors. This is one of the most valuable things that dominate the world today. Such changes may affect our lives. Many things are growing every day one of them technology, technology, technology has made many changes one of them Cryptocurrency. probably many would ask what is cryptoccurency? it can be simply described as a digital version of the currency. Currently there are so many crypto currencies available in the world. They have a huge demand in the market. Because of this request, new cryptocurrencies enter the market in regular time and BehaviourExchange is one such cryptocurrency. As a person living in the world today, it is very important to know about this cryptocurrency. With all the following details given below, you'll get a good idea of what BehaviourExchange is, what it has to offer and how it works.
What is BehaviorExchange ICO?
BehaviourExchange was established to change the world we have today. BehaviourExchange is incorporated with integrated blockchain technology and digital systems, with the aim of providing more convenient, secure and efficient communication in business. With the purpose and services provided BehaviourExchange will attract new visitors to the website and provide automatic customization of website information.
BehaviourExchange also provides solutions to existing issues in B2C businesses that increase their website traffic and provide them with the most important information they need to know about their customers, such as demographic and psychographic characteristics, their sentiments, gender and more.
In short, BehaviourExchange offers an opportunity for companies and other individuals to market their products with advertising. This platform has the same features as many other ad campaigns running on Google and Facebook platforms. The difference is: BehaviourExchange comparatively offers very low ad prices. They use their BEX cryptocurrency in this process and people have the opportunity to market their products in an efficient and profitable way.
Compared to ads like Facebook and Google, they have to pay a monthly fee for this process. in the BehaviourExchange platform any advertiser does not have to pay for the ad. The platform also has so many services with BehaviourExchange and their token sales will begin in Q1 2018. In addition, the company will lead the ICO program, offering a BEX token at a very low price. The BEX Token, will be issued on this platform and will be the ultimate playback tool that can be used on this platform as well. Value, as well as token requests, will continue to grow, providing many benefits to users and investors.
How Does The BehaviourExchange ICO Work?
When talking about how BehaviourExchange works, there are several important factors you should know. The main thing is to connect three shared parties: website visitors, websites, and B2C businesses. The benefits that these parties receive through BehaviourExchange vary due to their category.
Websites have the opportunity to get free services while providing traffic to other websites on the network. So they can get paid for info that helps get demographic data and visitor targeting.
Visitors have the opportunity to find products or services in quick time with ease.
B2C businesses get the opportunity to quickly and real-time targeted customers, providing their customers with details of their products and services.
What are the Benefits to Investors?
▪ The token selling price is only 0.1 dollars and with demand from investors it is expected that the token price will rise. So as an investor, you can certainly benefit from it.
▪ BehaviourExchange targets are millions of B2C companies and companies that have large and demanding markets. So, it could probably end up being a huge success, so investors can benefit from it as well.
Features of ICO BehaviourExchange
Visitors will be directed to the most appropriate website containing products that will satisfy their needs. They will not be redirected to other irrelevant sites.
▪ This platform provides services that provide all important information from web visitors
▪ Companies that join can receive a prize.
BehaviourExchange Token Sale
Sales of tokens will be carried out at two stages:
▪ Pra-sale will start on March 23, 2018
▪ ICO will start: April, 2018
ICO Information
Token BEX
Price 1 BEX = 0.10 USD
Bounty Available
Platform Waves
Hard cap 21000000 USD
Country Malta
Whitelist / KYC KYC & Whitelist
67% of total tokens will be sold to the public. Personal sales Token BEX live on platform. The date for ICO has not been announced.
45% of the funds will be used for platform research and development while 35% of the funds will be spent on marketing and sales. The team is experienced in financial services and blockchain technology.
You need to join this project BehaviourExchange. Because this is a very good project and will give you the services and advantages that are very cumbersome in cryptocurrency. BehaviourExchange is a blockchain-based project, planning to create 500 million BEX tokens. This basically continues advertising from three major parties: websites, website visitors, and B2C companies. BehaviourExchange is targeting a very large market, what is predicted to be a huge success.
if you want to study this project and need more information about this platfrom please open link below:
TWITTER : BEX_platform
Bitcoinalk username : phatpharm20
Profile link :;u=2038562